
Friday, April 6, 2012

And sadly, my grave.
N.d. Photograph. Find A Grave MemorialWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.

Moi again.
2010. Photograph. Silence is PlatnumWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Another musical of mine. Ran for 74 performances.
N.d. Photograph. eBayWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Another Follies poster, this one from 1920. Again I was in the performances.
2010. Photograph. Silence is PlatnumWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
A Follies poster from 1918. Of coarse I was in the performance. We ran for 151 shows.

2010. Photograph. Silence is PlatnumWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.
Thats Flo's first wife Anna Held. Can you believe its said that I broke up their marrige?
2010. Photograph. Silence is PlatnumWeb. 6 Apr 2012. <>.